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Corporate Reporting

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  2. November 2022 ICAN Mock Examination
  3. November 2022 ICAN Exam Live Session
  4. Current Issue
    Lesson 1 Current Issue
  5. Lesson 2 Current Issue
  6. Lesson 3 Current Issue
  7. Lesson 4 Current Issue
  8. Lesson 5 Current Issue
  9. Lesson 6 Current Issue
  10. Regulatory And Conceptual Framework
    Lesson 1 Regulatory And Conceptual Framework
  11. Lesson 2 Regulatory And Conceptual Framework
  12. Double Entry System
    Lesson 1 Double Entry System
  13. Lesson 2 Double Entry System
  14. Lesson 3 Double Entry System
  15. IAS 1 Revised Presentation of Financial Statements
    IAS 1 Revised Presentation of Financial Statements
  16. IAS 2 Inventory Valuation
    Lesson 1 IAS 2 Inventory Valuation
  17. Lesson 2 IAS 2 Inventory Valuation
  18. IAS 8 Change In Accounting Policy, Estimate And Errors
    Lesson 1 IAS 8 Change In Accounting Policy, Estimate And Errors
  19. Lesson 2 IAS 8 Change In Accounting Policy, Estimate And Errors
  20. Lesson 3 IAS 8 Change In Accounting Policy, Estimate And Errors
  21. IAS 10 Events After Reporting Date
    Lesson 1 IAS 10 Events After Reporting Date
  22. Lesson 2 IAS 10 Events After Reporting Date
  23. IAS 12 Current Tax (Ct) And Deferred Tax (Dt)
    Lesson 1 IAS 12 Current Tax (Ct) And Deferred Tax (Dt)
  24. Lesson 2 IAS 12 Current Tax (Ct) And Deferred Tax (Dt)
  25. Lesson 3 IAS 12 Current Tax (Ct) And Deferred Tax (Dt)
  26. IAS 16 Property, Plant And Equipment
    Lesson 1 IAS 16 Property, Plant And Equipment
  27. Lesson 2 IAS 16 Property, Plant And Equipment
  28. Lesson 3 IAS 16 Property, Plant And Equipment
  29. Lesson 4 IAS 16 Property, Plant And Equipment
  30. Lesson 5 IAS 16 Property, Plant And Equipment
  31. IAS 36 Impairment Of An Asset
    Lesson 1 IAS 36 Impairment Of An Asset
  32. Lesson 2 IAS 36 Impairment Of An Asset
  33. Lesson 3 IAS 36 Impairment Of An Asset
  34. IAS 37 Provision, Contingent Liability And Contingent Asset
    Lesson 1 IAS 37 Provision, Contingent Liability And Contingent Asset
  35. Lesson 2 IAS 37 Provision, Contingent Liability And Contingent Asset
  36. Lesson 3 IAS 37 Provision, Contingent Liability And Contingent Asset
  37. IAS 38 Intangible Non-Current Asset
    Lesson 1 IAS 38 Intangible Non-Current Asset
  38. Lesson 2 IAS 38 Intangible Non-Current Asset
  39. Lesson 3 IAS 38 Intangible Non-Current Asset
  40. IAS 40 Investment Property
    IAS 40 Investment Property
  41. IFRS 5 Non-Current Asset Held For Sales And Discontinued Operation
    Lesson 1 IFRS 5 Non-Current Asset Held For Sales And Discontinued Operation
  42. Lesson 2 IFRS 5 Non-Current Asset Held For Sales And Discontinued Operation
  43. Financial Instruments
    Lesson 1 Financial Instruments
  44. Lesson 2 Financial Instruments
  45. Lesson 3 Financial Instruments
  46. Lesson 4 Financial Instruments
  47. Lesson 5 Financial Instruments
  48. Lesson 6 Financial Instruments
  49. Group Account (Statement of Financial Position)
    Lesson 1 Group Account (Statement of Financial Position)
  50. Lesson 2 Group Account (Statement of Financial Position)
  51. Lesson 3 Group Account (Statement of Financial Position)
  52. Lesson 4 Group Account (Statement of Financial Position)
  53. Lesson 5 Group Account (Statement of Financial Position)
  54. Lesson 6 Group Account (Statement of Financial Position)
  55. Lesson 7 Group Account (Statement of Financial Position)
  56. Lesson 8 Group Account (Statement of Financial Position)
  57. Lesson 9 Group Account (Statement of Financial Position)
  58. Lesson 10 Group Account (Statement of Financial Position)
  59. Lesson 11 Group Account (Statement of Financial Position)
  60. Lesson 12 Group Account (Statement of Financial Position)
  61. Lesson 13 Group Account (Statement of Financial Position)
  62. Lesson 14 Group Account (Statement of Financial Position)
  63. Lesson 15 Group Account (Statement of Financial Position)
  64. Lesson 16 Group Account (Statement of Financial Position)
  65. Lesson 17 Group Account (Statement of Financial Position)
  66. Lesson 18 Group Account (Statement of Financial Position)
  67. Group Account (Foreign Group)
    Lesson 19 Group Account (Foreign Group)
  68. Lesson 20 Group Account (Foreign Group)
  69. Lesson 21 Group Account (Foreign Group)
  70. Lesson 22 Group Account (Foreign Group)
  71. Lesson 23 Group Account (Foreign Group)
  72. Lesson 24 Group Account (Foreign Group)
  73. Lesson 25 Group Account (Foreign Group)
  74. Lesson 26 Group Account (Foreign Group)
  75. Lesson 27 Group Account (Foreign Group)
  76. Lesson 28 Group Account (Foreign Group)
  77. Group Account (Profit or Loss And Other Comprehensive Income)
    Lesson 29 Group Account (Profit or Loss And Other Comprehensive Income)
  78. Lesson 30 Group Account (Profit or Loss And Other Comprehensive Income)
  79. Lesson 31 Group Account (Profit or Loss And Other Comprehensive Income)
  80. Lesson 32 Group Account (Profit or Loss And Other Comprehensive Income)
  81. Lesson 33 Group Account (Profit or Loss And Other Comprehensive Income)
  82. Lesson 34 Group Account (Profit or Loss And Other Comprehensive Income)
  83. Lesson 35 Group Account (Profit or Loss And Other Comprehensive Income)
  84. Lesson 36 Group Account (Profit or Loss And Other Comprehensive Income)
  85. Group Account (Cashflow Group)
    Lesson 37 Group Account (Cashflow Group)
  86. Lesson 38 Group Account (Cashflow Group)
  87. Lesson 39 Group Account (Cashflow Group)
  88. Lesson 40 Group Account (Cashflow Group)
  89. Lesson 41 Group Account (Cashflow Group)
  90. Lesson 42 Group Account (Cashflow Group)
  91. Lesson 43 Group Account (Cashflow Group)
  92. Lesson 44 Group Account (Cashflow Group)
  93. Lesson 45 Group Account (Cashflow Group)
  94. Lesson 46 Group Account (Cashflow Group)
  95. Lesson 47 Group Account (Cashflow Group)
  96. Lesson 48 Group Account (Cashflow Group)
  97. IAS 19 Employee Benefits
    Lesson 1 IAS 19 Employee Benefits
  98. Lesson 2 IAS 19 Employee Benefits
  99. IAS 20 Government Grants
    Lesson 1 IAS 20 Government Grants
  100. Lesson 2 IAS 20 Government Grants
  101. IAS 21 Effect Of Foreign Exchange Transaction
    IAS 21 Effect Of Foreign Exchange Transaction
  102. IAS 23 Borrowing Cost
    Lesson 1 IAS 23 Borrowing Cost
  103. Lesson 2 IAS 23 Borrowing Cost
  104. IAS 24 Related Party Transactions
    IAS 24 Related Party Transactions
  105. IAS 27 Separate Financial Statements
    IAS 27 Separate Financial Statements
  106. IAS 33 Earnings Per Share
    Lesson 1 IAS 33 Earnings Per Share
  107. Lesson 2 IAS 33 Earnings Per Share
  108. Lesson 3 IAS 33 Earnings Per Share
  109. IAS 34 Interim Financial Statement
    IAS 34 Interim Financial Statement
  110. IAS 41 Agriculture
    IAS 41 Agriculture
  111. IFRS 1 First Time Adoption of IFRS
    IFRS 1 First Time Adoption of IFRS
  112. IFRS 2 Share Based Payment
    Lesson 1 IFRS 2 Share Based Payment
  113. Lesson 2 IFRS 2 Share Based Payment
  114. Lesson 3 IFRS 2 Share Based Payment
  115. IFRS 8 Operating Segments
    IFRS 8 Operating Segments
  116. IFRS 11 Joint Arrangement
    IFRS 11 Joint Arrangement
  117. IFRS 12 Disclosure of Interest In Other Entities
    IFRS 12 Disclosure of Interest In Other Entities
  118. IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement
    Lesson 1 IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement
  119. Lesson 2 IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement
  120. IFRS 14 Regulatory Deferral Account Balances
    IFRS 14 Regulatory Deferral Account Balances
  121. IFRS 15 Revenue From Contracts With Customers
    Lesson 1 IFRS 15 Revenue From Contracts With Customers
  122. Lesson 2 IFRS 15 Revenue From Contracts With Customers
  123. Lesson 3 IFRS 15 Revenue From Contracts With Customers
  124. IFRS 16 Leases
    Lesson 1 IFRS 16 Leases
  125. Lesson 2 IFRS 16 Leases
  126. IFRS 28 Investment in Associate & Joint Ventures
    IFRS 28 Investment in Associate & Joint Ventures
  127. RATIO
    Lesson 1 RATIO Continuation
  128. Lesson 2 RATIO Continuation
  129. Lesson 3 RATIO Continuation
  130. Lesson 4 RATIO Continuation
  131. ICAN Nov 2019 Revision (MOCK)
    Lesson 1 ICAN Nov 2019 Revision (RATIO)
  132. Lesson 2 ICAN Nov 2019 Revision (RATIO)
  133. Lesson 3 ICAN Nov 2019 Revision (RATIO)
  134. Lesson 4 ICAN Nov 2019 Revision (RATIO)
  135. Lesson 5 ICAN Nov 2019 Revision (RATIO)
  136. Lesson 6 ICAN Nov 2019 Revision (MOCK)
  137. Lesson 7 ICAN Nov 2019 Revision (MOCK)
  138. Lesson 8 ICAN Nov 2019 Revision (MOCK)
  139. Lesson 9 ICAN Nov 2019 Revision (MOCK)
  140. Lesson 10 ICAN Nov 2019 Revision (MOCK)
  141. May 2022 Exam Archive
    May 2022 ICAN Mock Examination
  142. May 2022 ICAN Exam Live Sessions
  143. November 2021 Exam Archive
    Corporate Reporting November 2021 Mock Solution
  144. Corporate Reporting Live Session 6th, November 2021 By 4pm -6pm.
  145. Corporate Reporting November 2021 Mock
  146. March 2020 Exam Archive
    Corporate Reporting March 2020 Mock
  147. Corporate Reporting Live Session 20th, August 2020 By 6:30pm
  148. Corporate Reporting March 2020 Mock Solution
  149. Corporate Reporting May 2021 Mock
  150. CR Live Session 2nd May 2021 by 7pm
  151. Corporate Reporting Live Session 7th, November 2020 By 6pm
  152. December 2020 Exam Archive
    Corporate Reporting December 2020 Mock
  153. CR Live 7:00pm-9:00pm 5/12/2020
  154. Corporate Reporting December 2020 Mock Solution

Participants 98

  • Odunukwe
  • 321support
  • abdulateef
  • Abdulrashid Ibrahim
  • Abigael Adeyemi
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Lesson 1 Current Issue

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